Discover Step-By-Step the Easiest Ways to Tap Into a Fortune By Creating Your Own Money Making Products From the Public Domain!
How a "Dummy" Helped Me Make Over $400,000 (and Counting),
Create a Best Selling Video, a Top Ranking Website in a Niche and Become an Expert - All by Using Public Domain Materials. With No Fees, Royalties or Payments Due Anyone
for "Swiping" the Existing Content
Dear fellow internet entrepreneur,
My name is Lee Cornell. I've been selling information products and making money online for over 20 years.
Perhaps you are like I used to be back when I first started on the internet.
If I think about all of the information marketing products I purchased over those years, I know without a doubt they would total in the hundreds and the cost would be in the tens of thousands of dollars.
As I look back now, do you know what frustrates me the most? It's that I didn't do ANYTHING with many of the books, software, courses and coaching programs I bought. I know for a fact there are still things on my hard drive right this minute that I could have been successful with if I had only put in the effort.
Have I purchased a lot of junk offerings over the years? Sure. But there were also some fantastic products I let gather dust. And there was always another one to buy when I opened my emails any day of the week. Sound familiar?
So here's the thing.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but let me be really transparent. The things I have made money with online are a direct result of actually getting my butt in gear. Contrary to what some internet marketers selling a product will tell you, there is no "magic fairy dust, nap your way to success" online.
It takes some consistency and work, regardless of what you choose to pursue to make money with on the web.
I'm not saying the steps and instructions you are taught when you purchase a good product are necessarily difficult, but you have to be willing to put in some effort.
I think of two scenarios.
One, getting up at 6:00am to get ready to go work at a job you may not enjoy (or downright despise), driving in heavy traffic, through snow and frigid temperatures in the winter, working an 8-10 hour day and then driving home at the end of the day. Only to get up and do it again the next day. And the next. For years! And, being paid whatever the owner or boss at your company thinks you're worth.
Or two, finding a good product (or group of products), putting in some usually pretty easy work (there's that word again) while you keep your day job and build your internet business. Then in a relatively short period of time, firing your boss, if that's what you want to do!
Does the second option sound like it's worth it? I say "Hell yes!" Running your own online business, getting up in the morning when you want, working from home, calling the shots, having no ceiling as to how much money you can make, being able to provide for your family, work and vacation where and when you want sounds like a pretty amazing lifestyle to me.
You've probably heard this saying, but it's worth repeating.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right.”
That's what this internet marketing thing all boils down to.
Let me ask you a few questions. Do you know for sure what public domain is?
If yes, do you know what you can do with it? Do YOU believe it's possible to make money using public domain, or are you someone who thinks its just a bunch of old, out of date, unusable, antiquated content and published works that has no value or appeal to today's "sophisticated" market of buyers?
If you do, I'm going to convince you otherwise with the story that follows.
I know with absolute certainty that you can make money with public domain material. I've done it
If you don't really know what public domain is all about, here is a definition in a nutshell:
Public Domain materials (books, audios, videos, photos, music, government works, etc.) are publications which for one reason or another are no longer protected by copyright.
That means you can take these materials and use them however you want! For free! And there are millions and millions of pages of content on thousands of topics that are there for you to create products from!
Read on. I can guarantee you've NEVER read a story like the one I am going to share with you
And keep your shorts on, 8-). I want to tell you my story first so I can prove to you without a shadow of a doubt that you can make money with public domain. Then I'll talk specifically about my new Public Domain Fortune course.
Let's begin...
In the Beginning
What would you say if I told you I've made over $400,000 from a website that started out as a single instructional VHS video which used public domain books from the early 1900's to help me create the content. And it was an extremely small niche.
My first ever product was a video on how to become a ventriloquist. That's right. I taught people how to talk to puppets.
I've been a ventriloquist since I was nine years old. As an adult, I decided I wanted to produce this instructional product and teach others this fascinating art.
And, I used content from these two public domain books to help enhance the training.

"Practical Ventriloquism" & "Ventriloquism"
by Robert Ganthony - Published in 1904
by Charles Olin - Published in 1906
My VHS video (now available as a DVD and digital product) was released in 1997 on the then-fairly new internet. It was called "Ventriloquism 101 - Insider Secrets to Becoming a Ventriloquist in as Little as 30 Days!"

When I started online, there were no autoresponders, opt-ins, membership sites, email lists, online videos from marketers, Clickbank, JVZoo, or PayPal. I was online a year before google was launched. eBay had only been in existence for a year.
There was no high speed internet. Anyone else remember the annoying phone modem dial-up sound and slow as a turtle running in super glue connection speeds?
In those early days, there were dozens of search engines. I had to go to every single one and manually enter my URL and then come back a few weeks later and see if I showed up in their listings. If not, I'd enter my URL again and check back until I was showing up in the search results.
Web hosting was around $250 a month.
It was the stone age, man! If I had all of the tools I have today back when I launched my one page, ugly, made with Microsoft Publisher website, I would have made way more than I have to date from the site.
Even with all of the barriers in the past, I've sold over 6,000 copies of "Ventriloquism 101" either as a physical product or a download. has grown from that single page website to a multi-page destination that carries dozens of resources. Many I've created myself, some I've created with and for others, and then kept part of the sales.

Ventriloquism Website
The site has been listed in the top 20 of all search engines on the keywords "ventriloquism" and "learn how to be a ventriloquist" for over 15 years.

Ranked in the Top 20 on google
All of this by creating a product of my own from public domain material.
And the money continues to roll in to this day.
Let that sink in for a minute. A product I created ONCE, over 20 years ago, is still selling and making me money!
There is no reason you can't do the exact same thing using public domain and a topic that you are interested in.
Below are a couple of screen shots of my 1shoppingcart sales management page.


I humbly say I'm now considered an expert on the subject of ventriloquism and have been featured
in several magazines - most recently as a cover story

Here are what students of Ventriloquism 101
have to say about my course and ability to teach others
Bram van Oostenbrugge - Stellendam, the Netherlands
I really want to thank you for this awesome course. You can get a lot of ventriloquist items, which help you learn the tricks behind ventriloquism, but this one is by far the best one that I've encountered. And I want to recommend this course to everyone who wants to learn ventriloquism. Even if English is your second or third language, this video course is something you want to have!"
Matthew Bobby, Westland, MI
THANK YOU so much. I just received my Vent 101 set today and at a quick glance I can tell the money I spent was well worth it. You have a great product and sell it at a fair price."
"Hello Lee,
Gary Lenon, Hershey, MI
I have purchased a couple of other training DVDs/CDs, but yours is so much better that I was caught by surprise! I've learned more already from your program than the others put together! A very professional presentation!"
"Hi Lee,
Peter Suslock, Stamford, CT
Just a quick note to tell you how absolutely delighted I am with your course! Your easy going style and heartfelt support are a pleasure, and buying your course is one the absolute best investments I've made. Lee, if you're ever available for private lessons I hope you'll let me know. Once again kudos on a magnificent course!"
Dick Barry, San Clemente, CA, Professional Magician at the Hollywood Magic Castle
I received your two DVDs. I can't thank you enough. Your VENTRILOQUISM 101 is truthfully the BEST. The information, presentation and the production quality was OUTSTANDING. I would recommend it above any other DVD, VHS or books on the subject I have read."
"Hi Lee,
David Barbara, Columbus, OH
You are really an EXCELLENT teacher. I am absolutely fascinated by what I have learned from you just so far."
"Lee has very still lips and his pronunciation is crisp and clear. This video is well thought out and produced so that even the youngest of potential ventriloquists can understand it."
Dialogue Magazine, Vent World Assn. Vol.17, Number 3
"It’s very helpful to watch and hear Cornell, who is an accomplished ventriloquist indeed. His lips do not move. This package is a good way for you to explore the possibility of adding variety to your magic act. Recommended."
The Linking Ring Magazine, International Brotherhood Of Magicians, Vol.79, Issue 5
With the same methods I've taught thousands
of people ventriloquism, I can show you how to
make money with the public domain using a
topic that interests you!
I'm sure you've purchased courses over the years that promise to teach you, but often fall short on delivery. That's why I am providing such an in-depth (and I hope fun to read) back story of how my ventriloquism course not only gained me a lot of repeat customers for other products I've released over the years, but how taking that original public domain material allowed me to achieve things in the world of ventriloquism I would have never realized otherwise.
All mainly due to many successful students, the word being spread about my course and training, and the respect I've developed over time.
As I mentioned, I've been an internet marketer for almost two decades and have created a lot of my own products and helped others create theirs. I have had many different offerings in my "portfolio" of items to sell . Perhaps you have other things you do online to make money. FANTASTIC!
By adding public domain products, you can now create another stream of income! Isn't that what it's all about?
Oh, but first, a couple of more cool things I like about being a part of the ventriloquism community...
I am also good friends with many professional comic ventriloquists as a direct result of my my online presence over the years

with Jeff Dunham & Achmed
Who hasn't heard of superstar comic ventriloquist Jeff Dunham, Walter, Achmed the Dead Terrorist (" I Keel You!") and Peanut? I've been good friends with Jeff for 20 years and have seen his sold out arena show many times as his guest (with backstage passes). He is one of the top ten money making comics on the planet. And just a great guy.
with Terry Fator
You may have seen my friend Terry on "America's Got Talent." He won the competition and the $1 million in 2007. He now has his own theater in Las Vegas and has been voted the top show in Vegas three years in a row.

with Jay Johnson
You may remember my buddy Jay from his starring role in the hit TV series "Soap" that ran from 1977-1981. Jay and his sidekick Bob were on the show for it's five year run. He also won a Tony award for his one man Broadway show "The Two and Only" in 2006. Jay continues to work on nearly all of the cruise lines that set sail.
Now here's something you don't see often on a sales page promoting a money making product! A short video clip of one of my performances, with my sidekick,
Nick Woodson.
CLICK THE VIDEO below to watch.
An Internet Marketing Ventriloquist?
So What the Hell is the Point, Lee?
The point I am making is that the product I created for sale, the website that ranks high in the search engines, the magazines I've been in, the workshops on ventriloquism I've given at conventions (yes, there really are ventriloquist conventions attended by hundreds of people each year), the friendships I've made with a lot of the "big names" in the business AND ALL OF THE MONEY I'VE MADE comes down to one starting point...
I found a niche I was interested in and created a product
using public domain material
And I can show you how to do the exact same thing with

News Flash for Doubters!
The human condition does not change!
Do you think that there is nothing in the public domain that would be of interest to anyone today?
Let me suggest that many of the things people are interested in learning about today are the exact subjects folks from the past sought information and training about.
Do you think any of these modern, hot topics
could be made into a money making
information product?
ALL of these subjects can be
found in the public domain!

What About the US Copyright Office?
Maybe you don't realize that something doesn't have to be old to be public domain. Nearly everything created by any branch of the US government is public domain and can be used for FREE since it was tax payer dollars that picked up the tab on these publications, photos, books, articles, audio recordings and more!
Unlimited Content!
There are literally millions and million of pages and resources such as books, reports, documents, maps, charts, recordings, videos, films, photos, music and more that you can use with no royalties or fees to create whatever type of product you want to sell.

Creating products is the absolute best way to have huge paydays online.
Why spend a ton of time starting from scratch and researching to make an information product when when you can use already created content published by professionals? It's all there in the pubic domain and I'll show you where to find all of the material you'll ever need!
Here is what you'll receive with
Public Domain Fortune

Public Domain Fortune
Public Domain Fortune, with it's nearly 17,500 words, guides you step-by-step, from helping you determine a money making niche, testing the market, where to find and endless supply of public domain materials, to showing you how to quickly create multiple products such as eBooks, videos and audios. Also discover the best ways to re-brand your completed product with new graphics.
Other topics include creating a website easily to promote your item(s), how to team up with affiliates to super charge your sales, holding webinars using best platforms, and why having a membership site will take your earnings to a whole different level.
Act today and get these added BONUSES!
16 Professionally Recorded Training Videos
In these videos I expand on the Public Domain Fortune book and show you live how to go from an idea to a completed product ready to sell.
Nearly FOUR hours of video training broken down into small, bite sized pieces - in a logical order that will make sense to you.
And, I promise to show you the "techno" stuff like creating eBooks, videos and audios (including exactly what type of technologies to use) in a super easy to understand way. No one likes to get stumped or hung up on the "how" when creating products and that won't happen while watching these teaching videos.


Copyright Basics Guide
In this handy guide, you'll learn exactly what "copyright" is all about, who can claim a copyright, what works are protected and why, as well as being able to determine quickly what is NOT protected. What are the copyright rules for things that are not books? What about other writings and articles? Photos? Audio recordings? Film clips?
All of these questions and more will be answered and, after you finish this guide, you'll know more about copyright and the pubic domain than 95% of the other people out there.
Guide to Searching the US Copyright
In this manual, you'll learn exactly how to search the US Government online copyright catalog and get the results you want in your search.
How to search by title, author, registration records and keywords. How to search by date, subject type and more. You can also see the most popular topics searched for.
This fantastic publication will help you narrow in on ideas you have for possible public domain products.


US Government Copyright Terms & The Public Domain Cheatsheet
This tool is simple to understand and it gets right to the point. You'll learn how copyrights of an original work line up with public domain usage and definitions of when something is no longer protected.
Works including never published, never registered, registered or published in the US, registered or published outside of the US by foreign nationals or US citizens living abroad, sound recordings, architectural drawings and more.
Use this information to determine precisely when you can use a work as public domain.
Public Domain Fortune Mindmap
When I began writing down how I wanted the finished version of Public Domain Fortune to look and what it would include, I drew each component out in a mind map. Look over my shoulder and see how I plotted the entire course out and how one component connected to the next.
This mind map will be a valuable tool you can use as a template when you begin to create your own products. It will help you visualize your product and keep you focused and on track.

The Public Domain course was a year in the making. I researched for months compiling the most recent information available on public domain in a way that is easy to understand. I'll reveal everything to you I know about researching, creating and promoting a product, in multiple formats. Once you have released your first offering, you'll easily be able to come up with other ideas for that same niche, or expand into other areas. There are no limits as to how far you can go with public domain!
If you can follow instructions, I know you can do this!

There are a lot of training products on the market which offer a 30 day money back guarantee. I want you to have plenty of time to go through the materials and create your own public domain product. That’s why I’m giving you 60 days – two full months to get your product on the market. How fair is that? If you’re not happy with your results, or for any reason, I’ll refund your investment during the 60 day period.
Get started today and begin cashing in with public domain in just a few weeks!

Yes Lee! Let Me In!
- YES! Please give me immediate access to “Public Domain Fortune” today for this single super low investment
- YES! I understand I am short-cutting hundreds of hours of painstaking research by getting my hands on these proven product creation methods
- YES! Even if I am a complete newbie I know this will work for me as long as I follow your guidance
- YES! I want to start applying these groundbreaking strategies today and finally start creating hot, money making online products that I can sell over and over again
- YES! I understand there is no risk whatsoever and I should grab Public Domain Fortune RIGHT NOW for a very small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment and if I am not happy for whatever reason, I can request a refund under your 60 Day Money Back Guarantee